Information - Galala
Migration siteGalala ContactsSteffen Oppel Contacts Web siteLast countObservation hours1,488:15 observation hours, 4 year Pictures |
lat: 29.44611, lng: 32.44282 |
The Galala Raptor Count will be established in March 2022. The ambition is to establish permanent monitoring of soaring birds migrating north along the Red Sea Coast in spring. More information to come once the site is established. Volunteers will be able to join the monitoring efforts from 2023 onwards. The Galala Raptor count will be hosted and organised by Nature Conservation Egypt:
The location is based on several previous expeditions and data from Egyptian Vultures tracked with satellite transmitters.Megalli, M., and G. Hilgerloh. 2013. The soaring bird spring migration bottleneck at Ayn Sokhna, northern gulf of Suez, Egypt. Sandgrouse 35:28-35.
Buechley, E. R., S. Oppel, W. S. Beatty, S. C. Nikolov, V. Dobrev, V. Arkumarev, V. Saravia, C. Bougain, A. Bounas, E. Kret, T. Skartsi, L. Aktay, K. Aghababyan, E. Frehner, and Ç. H. Şekercioğlu. 2018. Identifying critical migratory bottlenecks and high-use areas for an endangered migratory soaring bird across three continents. Journal of Avian Biology 49:e01629.