Remarkable observations

Count type
  1. Migration counts
  2. Captures
  3. Nocturnal flight calls
  4. All sites
  1. The Netherlands
  2. Belgium
  3. France
  4. Britain and Ireland
  5. Germany
  6. Spain and Portugal
  7. North Europe
  8. America
  9. Other countries
  10. All countries
  11. Favourites


    Site Species Number  
North Foreland - seawatch (Kent, England) Egyptian Goose 12
Dalfsen (nacht) Pintail 2
Romsée, Fléron Teal 2
Flamborough Head (seawatch) Long-tailed Duck 1
Oelemars (Losser) Crane 16
Oelemars (Losser) Curlew 1
Falaise de Leucate - Leucate (11) Caspian Tern 1
Falaise de Leucate - Leucate (11) Slender-billed Gull 8
Bempton, East Yorkshire (nocturnal flight calls) Bittern 1  
Beveren-centrum Rook 4
Beveren-centrum Blue Tit 13
Beveren-centrum Wood Lark 2
VRS AW-duinen Wood Lark 2
Santahamina Skylark 2
Rijsdam, Sellingen Chaffinch 29
Beveren-centrum Siskin 2
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